Fiction Books About Home Schoolers

The goal of this blog is to encourage more writers to write more fiction books about home schoolers for home school children to read.

Monday, March 25, 2013

King of Trees Series

William D. Burt has written a Christian based series of YA fantasy novels with a target audience of home schoolers.  You can read more about it at Amazon: The King of Trees.

He has also developed a companion Activity Book that homeschoolers can use as a study guide. It's filled with fun activities as well as chapter-by-chapter discussion questions and an answer key.  For more details see:

1 comment:

  1. Each title in this Biblically based, allegorical series of seven books (so far) features a glossary and pronunciation guide at the back for easier reading and for reading aloud. (I have produced an unabridged audio-book version of "The King of the Trees" in CD format. The audio book is available on my website——and will soon be offered in downloadable MP3 format on Some families have read the entire series aloud as an evening activity. We homeschooled our own two youngsters for many years, and I read the manuscript of "The King of the Trees" aloud to them to "road-test" it.

    All my titles begin with a scripture verse that reflects the theme of that particular book. I always write happy endings into my books as a counterpoint to the many disappointments and sad endings we encounter in life. Unlike most YA fantasy these days, my books are neither dark nor soulless. My characters especially make a point of debunking the practice of magic (which God condemns) and elevating the power, love and majesty of the Creator-God. I am very big on Creation Science, which I have incorporated in my newest series.

    William Burt, Author

    "May your leaves never wither!" (Psalm 1:3)
